The meetings and events market is an important source of revenue for hotels and destinations alike. Hume Whitehead has strong expertise in this area and leads the UK MICE and sales activity for a range of destination and private sector clients. If you are looking to attract meetings and conventions to your hotel or destination, you’re in the right place.

Hume Whitehead offers a full range of meetings and events services, including:

  • Strategic planning
  • Targeted marketing campaigns, both on and offline
  • Familiarisation trips
  • Events and workshops
  • Face to face meetings with UK event planners
  • Representation at industry events
  • Public relations

The Hume Whitehead team have helped us create a closer network with our clients and partners in UK and been excellent ambassadors for Berlin. It is extremely important to have such a professional partner in the British market.

Heike Mahmoud, Director Conventions, Berlin Convention Office